Saturday, 6 March 2010

Time to go

Carolyn Regan is leaving as LSC Chief Executive. This follows (may be coincidental) a poor report from the Public Accounts Committee (UK Parliament spending watchdog) into how the LSC controls its money and a report from Sir Ian Magee into how the MoJ and LSC work.

The MoJ solution is to create an Executive Agency, just like Her Majesty’s Court Service. Good Lord!!

Other senior people at the LSC should go and they should go now. They have ruined a perfectly reasonable system and dumbed it down to the lowest level.

The LSC tried to introduce Best value Tendering, which is totally inappropriate for legal aid. All the experts agree that BVT will not work apart from the LSC and the MoJ.

The MoJ big wigs are no better than the LSC. They have no idea of what the reality is. They analyse stats and data but don’t get out and speak to Solicitors.

There is one solution: analyse how the justice systems work, work out how they can be organised better; work out how to fund those systems and how to then fund access.
