Friday, 30 December 2011

The end of 2011

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Change is never easy. Sometimes when we reach the end of a year all we have to think about is what has gone wrong in that year. maybe a loved one has died, or personal circumstances have changed or work has suddenly become more pressurised. Growing older causes one to think about where one has reached on life's journey.

Really what we all need to do is look at what we have. Consider the good that has happened. Think about the joy one has given to others. Appreciate one's gifts and treasures. 

If one measures success in terms of material acquisitions then satisfaction is never guaranteed. There is always more that one "wants", more that one "needs".

If one however seeks contentment - as opposed to happiness - and recognises that life is the experience one is having as opposed to a dream or fantasy world somewhere else, then true happiness will follow.

We have had many changes at Emmersons this year. We have been disappointed and elated. We have welcomed 5 new members to the team and seen some colleagues depart. 

There are many challenges through Government policy eg the cutting of legal aid, but we are content, we are positive. The world is changing - not ending, and we are fully prepared and able to meet the challenges of 2012.

We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year-and we hope you achieve contentment.