I have been to visit clients in care homes who seemed to be incapable of giving me instructions
and who had difficulty in understanding why I had visited them. However, upon their GP completing
a Mental Capacity Checklist it has transpired that they do have capacity. It may be that they were
very tired or dehydrated during my first visit.
At Emmersons Solicitors we are often approached by people who would
like to become an attorneyon behalf of their parent or
partner. This can be as a result of a medical crisis or because social services
have become involved with an elderly person.
However, we always have to advise
that it is the person who is in difficulty (the donor) who willbe our client. In the first
instance we need to establish whether or not they are capable of giving us instructions. At this stage the
donor may be in hospital, in a care home or simply unable to make the journey to our office. If we
are advised that the problem is early dementia, or mental incapacity because of a recent stroke, then we
would seek the opinion of the donor’s doctor regarding their Mental Capacity to instruct us.
I have been to visit clients in care homes who seemed to be incapable of giving me instructions
and who had difficulty in understanding why I had visited them. However, upon their GP completing
a Mental Capacity Checklist it has transpired that they do have capacity. It may be that they were
very tired or dehydrated during my first visit.
As members of Solicitors For The
Elderly Emmersons Solicitors always follow their guidance in determining capacity. This is
very important, not only to protect our clients, but also would-be-attorneys from accusations of
fraud or duress.We keep detailed notes of meetings
with clients in case a family member should try to challenge a decision.
We find it is better if all
relevant family members discuss matters together before we meet with a client to draw up the documents. In
most cases there are one or two family members or close friends who support a client. It is
often better if they can be present during at least part of our meeting. This can make a client
feel more at ease.
As the attorney(s) will be taking
on a lot of responsibility it is better if they and the donor canreach decisions together. Sometimes
families have left it too late and it is impossible for their relative to
give instructions. If this happens it may be necessary to apply to the Court of Protection to manage the
patient’s affairs.
This would happen if a house had to
be sold or an agreement with a care home had to be signed to pay fees. Without legal standing
no one has the right to sign documents agreeing to use a patient’s money. The
Court of Protection procedure is far more cumbersome and expensive than the
Lasting Power of Attorney route. The Court has the right to interview the
person acting (the Deputy).
Sometimes the interviews can take
up to three hours; the court needs to be satisfied that the deputy is not abusing their
position. To avoid all of the above the best course of action is to think about appointing an
attorney(s) now.
This will allow you to make
decisions about your future whilst you are still able to do so. If any family member
has the early signs of dementia, or has had a stroke, you should seek help