Wednesday, 8 December 2010

“Where did it all go wrong?”

Share | Those were the words of Christina who came to see us recently. Her husband had told her that their marriage was over and that he was leaving her. She had thought that they had a strong relationship and she was very happy. Roger however, had told her that he had been unhappy for a long time.

Christina did not know where to start, she did not know where she stood legally and she now sought legal advice.Christmas can be a very stressful time for people if their relationship is already difficult. Often a couple will find themselves together for nearly two weeks when usually they do not spend much time together at all. This can exacerbate problems. In some cases one person has been having an affair and they decide to leave after Christmas. January and February are the busiest months for divorce lawyers.

If you find yourself in Christina or Roger’s position do not panic. It may be that relationship counselling will work for you as a couple. If however, you have concluded that your marriage or relationship cannot be saved then seek initial advice. We have included a list on the family pages of our web site ( which is designed to help you. Your solicitor will need basic financial information from you in order to give you advice in relation to a financial settlement. Different rules apply depending upon whether you are married, in a civil partnership or cohabiting.

Many people come to see us thinking that everything has to be sorted out immediately. This is a normal reaction to what is often a huge shock. My advice would be to seek initial information from a solicitor so that you will have an overview of your position. Then consider giving yourself some thinking time. If your spouse or partner is demanding that you leave the house or that the house be sold this does not have to happen today or even this week. The decisions you make now could have long term consequences. As a solicitor I see my job as being to help a client plan as far ahead as possible. Eg. What will your pension provision look like ten years from now?

If you want to know where you stand legally see a solicitor before you make any decisions especially in relation to leaving your home.

Life is a maze-sometimes you need help to get through it.

Jacqueline Emmerson
Senior Partner
Stumbling on HappinessHappiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important SkillThe Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living

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