Friday, 23 September 2011

Now that the Summer is over...

Share |'s time to get blogging again.

There seemed little point trying to blog during the summer-apart from looking after 3 children, running a business and trying to fit holidays into the work schedule- as there wasn't really very much happening...

Apart that is from the deteriorating world economy, the war in Libya, the inability to tidy the garden due to the rain and other less important matters such as my 50th birthday.

My birthday falls on 11 September. Each year I experience the reminder of  "9/11" when I am trying to enjoy the passing of another year.

This year 9/11 and the associated media hype annoyed me slightly. I have no problem with remembering those who have died in terrorist attacks or in war. Nor do I find it hard to empathise with the living victims and families of those harmed by terrorism or war. What I didn't like about "9/11" was the fact that that one incident attracted so much coverage and pomp and attention whereas other incidents appear to be forgotten. What about Madrid? What about Bali? What about those who have died or been injured in Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iraq? What about Birmingham or the Shankill Road fish shop bombing? What about Bloody Sunday (and every other bloody day)?

What about all the victims-when do we take time to remember them?

Apart from that there is a little bit of me that wonders at the USA and how it views itself and the rest of the world. I may have missed it but I cant recall the President of USA commenting on his countrymen's involvement with the funding of terrorism in the UK and Ireland. Plenty of condemnation of Gaddaffi-quite rightly-for all he has done. But did not Noraid fund IRA terrorism on the basis that it was a just cause? Explain that to the families of the Disappeared.

Emmersons Solicitors has been shortlisted for The Law Society's Excellence Awards in the Marketing and Business Development category. We can't afford to attend the expensive awards ceremony so we won't win the category, however it is very gratifying to be short-listed. We entered details of our IPP campaign led by Lorna Elliott who is a consultant to the firm and a qualified barrister.

Social media is a very important tool. We have embraced the technology and use every effort to promote our firm, our services and campaigns with which we agree. That is why we promote SSAFA Forces Help amongst others.

Unfortunately social media couldn't stop the killing of Troy Davis despite the lack of evidence. Is Georgia the sort of people we really need to be friends with? How about we spend some time thinking about those people all around the World who have been executed who are or  may be innocent? Maybe we should set a special day aside for that. What about September 11 2012?

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